COLOSSUS publication in Bioinformatics from UNITO
Our partners at the University of Torino announce the publication of a COLOSSUS-acknowledged paper in the journal Bioinformatics in May 2023. The paper is titled: CONNECTOR, fitting and clustering of longitudinal data to reveal a new risk stratification system. We [...]
Dr Anguraj Sadanandam, ICR publishes breakthrough pancreatic cancer paper in Nature
COLOSSUS PI Dr Sadanandam, of The Institute of Cancer Research, London is the co-senior author of a breakthrough pancreatic cancer study. The co-senior author is Costas Lyssiotis at the University of Michigan. The open-access paper, titled: Uridine-derived ribose fuels glucose-restricted [...]
Two new COLOSSUS publications from Prof. Livio Trusolino’s group
Congratulations to our partners at the Universita degli Studi di Torino and their collaborators for two recent COLOSSUS-acknowledged publications! The first was a review titled "Towards precision oncology with patient-derived xenografts" which was published in Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology in [...]
COLOSSUS in Dublin
The COLOSSUS consortium gathered in Dublin on March 15th, 2023. We had a busy schedule, reviewing recent results and planning for the months ahead as the project draws to a close (30 June 2023). As well as considering results and [...]
COLOSSUS 2023 newsletter is published
We have just published our Spring 2023 newsletter. In it, find a results update from our Coordinator RCSI Professor Annette Byrne, an interview with VIB's Prof. Diether Lambrechts, the education and training summary of University College Dublin's PhD candidate Aoife [...]
Interview with Professor Diether Lambrechts, VIB
Danielle Nicholson at Pintail Limited posed a set of questions to Professor Diether Lambrechts of the VIB about his research and career. Can you give a tip or two to those aiming to become successful, leading academic researchers? Professor Diether [...]