The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland – University of Medicine and Health Sciences (RCSI)


RCSI is coordinating the COLOSSUS project, and plays a key role across most of the project work packages, in particular WP1 (project management), WP2 (providing tissue samples and analysis) WP4 (multi-omic profiling of MSS RAS mt CRC COLOSSUS cohorts), WP6 (network & pathway modeling of multi ‘omic MSS RAS mt CRC datasets), WP7 (clinical diagnostic assay prototypes), WP8 (testing novel drug combinations), WP9 (dissemination and exploitation) and WP10 (ethics).

Partner Details

The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland – University of Medicine and Health Sciences (RCSI)

Saint Stephen’s Green 123,
Dublin 2,

Prof Annette Byrne
Prof Jochen Prehn
Prof Kathleen Bennett
Dr Darran O’Connor