COLOSSUS is an EU-funded H2020 project that aims to provide new and more effective ways to classify patients with a specific subtype of metastatic colorectal cancer (microsatellite stable RAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer or MSS RAS mt mCRC) and to develop new treatment options for them. Our ultimate goal is to deliver a personalised medicine approach for patients with MSS RAS mt mCRC, that is currently not available.

Why carry out research into MSS RAS mt mCRC?

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in Europe with an estimated 420,000 cases and 150,000 related deaths in 2012. Of total CRC cases, it is thought that approximately 50-55 % involve RAS mutations.

Current treatment for MSS RAS mt mCRC is primarily based on 5-fluoruracil based chemotherapy +/- bevacizumab. However, there are limited treatment options for patients with this type of cancer when they develop resistance to standard treatment. Targetting MSS RAS mt disease is difficult and has not evolved significantly in recent years.

What will COLOSSUS do?

The COLOSSUS consortium will study patient samples and apply advanced multi-omic computational modelling approaches to identify new MSS RAS mt specific subtypes. This strategy is designed to help us predict patient outcomes under standard treatment and to enable the design of more targeted and personalised regimens.

Why is COLOSSUS important?

mCRC is a heterogeneous, highly prevalent disease with a substantial human cost that also imposes a significant economic burden both within a European and global context. COLOSSUS aims to deliver new ways to classify MSS RAS mt mCRC patients and to predict treatment outcomes so that the right patients can be given the right treatments at the right time. Our research aims to benefit patients and their families, clinicians and health care systems and to deliver healthcare savings in the longer term.

For a more detailed description of the COLOSSUS project please see our page for Researchers here.

What is the COLOSSUS Translational Study?

The COLOSSUS consortium is analysing colorectal tissue and blood samples from MSS RAS mt Stage 2/3 and mCRC patients obtained from existing biobanks. In addition, COLOSSUS is conducting a translational trial in Spain, Germany and Ireland where new samples are being collected for analysis in the project. For more information about the COLOSSUS translational study see here.