Related Projects

COLOSSUS has ties to many other research projects and initiatives focused on oncology, clinical trials, biomarkers, MDx & personalised medicine.

You can access details of related projects below. In many cases these initiatives have common partners with COLOSSUS, or focus on similar research areas. Click on the project logos to access further information.

MoTriColor: Molecularly guided trials with specific treatment strategies in patients with advanced newly molecular defined subtypes of colorectal cancer – H2020 Framework Programme.

ANGIOPREDICT: Predictive Genomic Biomarkers Methods for Combination Bevacizumab (Avastin) – EU FP7 Project.

INTRACOLOR: Evolution of resistant clones to novel target-directed drugs in colorectal tumors (a genetic and epigenetic study of intratumoral heterogeneity dynamics) – EU funding through TRANSCAN 2015 from the ERA-NED program of H2020.

EUROPDX: The EUROPDX Consortium: Sharing Patient Derived Tumour Xenografts For Collaborative Research Projects And Multicentre Preclinical Trials.

MedBioinformatics: Creating medically-driven integrative bioinformatics applications focused on oncology, CNS disorders and their comorbidities – H2020 Framework Programme.

PrECISE: Personalized Engine For Cancer Integrative Study And Evaluation (pilot project that combines hypothesis-driven strategies with data-driven analysis in a novel mathematical and computational methodology for the integration of genomic, epigenetic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and clinical data with the goal of risk-stratifying patients and suggesting personalized therapeutic interventions) – H2020 Framework Programme.

MErCuRIC: A Phase Ib/II study of MEK1/2 inhibitor PD-0325901 with cMET inhibitor PF-02341066 in KRASMT and KRASWT (with aberrant c-MET) Colorectal Cancer Patients – EU FP7.

MIMOmics – Methods for Integrated analysis of Multiple Omics datasets – EU FP7 Project.